Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 6, 2011

wallpaper of quotation

wallpaper of quotation. wallpaper quote. flyfish29
  • wallpaper quote. flyfish29

  • illy123
    Dec 8, 08:51 AM

    ChristMAC Icons:

    Santa Mail:

    Bowtie-Christmas (used for iTunes):

    WP (don't know original source):

    Thanks very much! :D

    wallpaper of quotation. Famous quotations categorized
  • Famous quotations categorized

  • troop231
    Apr 6, 11:55 AM
    12 petabytes is mind blowing, i remember my first windows pc with 300mb of hdd space.

    wallpaper of quotation. wallpaper quotes about life.
  • wallpaper quotes about life.

  • Small White Car
    Oct 9, 03:07 PM
    I really like the "pull down to refresh" feature.

    Very slick.

    The 'Find Near Me' feature is kind of freaky now as well.

    wallpaper of quotation. Wallpaper with Quotation
  • Wallpaper with Quotation

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Sep 26, 02:05 PM
    First response: Hell ya I would! (Pat on his back) :D

    Second response: Sounds like someone doesn't know how to be a parent. You obviously don't feel comfortable with him going, so don't let him!

    Your the parent! What you say goes, whether he is 18 or not.

    You failed to note the "homework" that Sub Baked did. It seems that the poster was not the "adult'; but rather the 18 yo.


    wallpaper of quotation. desktop backgrounds quotes.
  • desktop backgrounds quotes.

  • toddybody
    Mar 23, 09:25 AM
    Like OMG, I had the craziest thought! What if MacRumors had more articles about...Mac Rumors?! Whoa whoa wee wow, that would be so cool.

    *Face Palm.

    Boring stuff.

    wallpaper of quotation. wallpapers quotes, quote
  • wallpapers quotes, quote

  • mullets
    Apr 7, 09:10 AM
    i sure hope this fixes my issues with getting itunes to recognize my iphone 4 in order to sync and add/remove music. for the past month or so, since itunes 10.2 released, and then iOS 4.3.1 came out i have been having issues getting my phone to recognize. as a work around, when i restart the "mobile device service" it instantly recognizes the phone and everything is wonderful again.

    i hate that this glitch exists, and i hate that i have to plug my iphone into itunes in order to sync my contacts, how useless is that?! the iphone remains the best phone in the world, but seriously apple, y'all need some help when it comes to the most basic of things, such as wireless syncing...


    wallpaper of quotation. QUOTATION WALLPAPERS

  • rnelan7
    Dec 25, 11:22 AM
    PS3 slim and a Shady McCoy jersey amongst other little things.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    wallpaper of quotation. desktop wallpaper quotes
  • desktop wallpaper quotes

  • Darth.Titan
    Apr 18, 08:44 AM
    That means that the browser cannot find a picture where the website says there should be one. It's like a "file not found" indicator.

    It's the fault of the website, not your computer.


    wallpaper of quotation. Beautiful Quotes wallpapers
  • Beautiful Quotes wallpapers

  • bobbleheadbob
    Apr 4, 09:49 PM
    ?.... but seriously monopolies arent that bad.
    Everyone that lives in the "free world" is so entrenched in the idea that monopolies have the right to blow prices out of the water but they cant... and it is a fact....

    Phew. Thanks for clearing that up for us. Until you explained it so well I was really worried.

    wallpaper of quotation. wallpaper quotation.
  • wallpaper quotation.

  • AndrewR23
    Apr 8, 01:05 AM
    Is there any way for me to change the "a" in my name to a capital A? Please mods? It bothers me :rolleyes:


    wallpaper of quotation. wallpaper quotation.
  • wallpaper quotation.

  • deannnnn
    May 1, 04:40 PM for life.

    wallpaper of quotation. Quote Wallpaper Image
  • Quote Wallpaper Image

  • k1121j
    May 1, 11:29 AM
    all i know if they let you store video and music they better offer gobs of space or it wont work for me i have Well over 500 GB of iTunes purchases and my total media lib it nearing 2TB i would pay for this service if it offers streaming... after a recent close call with my Drobo and thanks to apple to letting me redownload all my purchases from the dawn of time i lost only a few hundred GB of data however my main machine is an iMac that has a 3TB drive and backing up to my drobo after i hit 3TB i dont know what to do or where to store it all and back it up.
    is anyone else running in to this problem


    wallpaper of quotation. love quotes wallpapers for
  • love quotes wallpapers for

  • ghostlyorb
    Apr 7, 08:04 PM
    I actually would consider buying it.. if the price was right. the iCade I mean

    wallpaper of quotation. wallpaper quotation.
  • wallpaper quotation.

  • Snookerman
    Jun 2, 05:55 AM
    Haha, I can actually hear that voice in my head "hey apple!" :p


    wallpaper of quotation. wallpaper quotation. cool
  • wallpaper quotation. cool

  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 07:13 AM
    You're right this isn't the portable media market - those devices are primitive compared to what's being offered here and yet the heavy weights were NEVER able to even dent THAT market. You would think the likes of SONY, HP MOTOROLA, M$SOFT and all the other consumer electronics giants, with all of their resources, could come up with something smart enough to compete with the iPod over the years, right?
    We pretty much knew Sony would fail, they're the ultimate balldroppers. They refused mp3 for as long as humanly possible, instead trying to peddle advanced MiniDisc players with USB2, years into the iPod era. Sort of a repeat of the Betamax vs VHS war back in the 80s. When they eventually caved, they introduced some butt ugly, purple, blobby mp3 players nobody wanted. Now with PS3 they're even losing a market they completely dominated, they're getting pummeled by Xbox 360 and the technologically inferior Nintendo Wii. I bet they'll somehow manage to drop the ball with Blu-Ray, too. I never understood Sony, never will.

    M$ entered the game way too late with Zune, and with this DRM quirk the Zune is doomed. It's not even out in Europe yet. With iPod, Apple has always made sure that anyone in the world can have it in their hand a few days after the Keynote. The only thing the competition can hope for is that the iPod one day grows stale in the public eye. When everyone has one, nodoby's special.

    The iPod was revolutionary in its design and usability (and not the first portable media device by the way). Paired with the best online music store experience distanced it even further from the rest. That's what revolutionary means: a new playing field - a new system - a new product. Apple does this better than anyone in the world. I'm not sure the competition is just Nokia, SonyEricsson, and Motorola any more. Listen closely, Apple is attempting to reinvent the mobile phone by marrying what we traditionally associate with a smartphone (smartERphone actually) under a totally new "human friendly" and intuitive package. Those things tend to have mass appeal.

    Yeah, but as you say they rolled out a complete solution with the iPod+iTunes+iTunes Store package. This may well be what separates iPod from Newton, NeXT and the Cube. With iPhone there are many loose ends. Apart from the Cingular exclusive being a dealbreaker for many, plus the fact that unlike the iPod it will only be available in the US for quite some time (here in Europe it's been a long, long time since we last saw a business class phone that doesn't support 3G), how is it going to attract corporate customers? Allegedly it won't even accept 3rd party software, yet businessmen will want to sync it up with MS Exchange/Outlook or Lotus Notes, and they'll probably want to snap in their TomTom or Wayfinder GPS module too. As of now, the gateway for all things iPhone is iTunes, and they're kidding themselves if they think corporate customers will trust a damn music jukebox with their mail, calendar and contacts. And if kids can't cram it chock full of Java games they won't want it either. So the market position really isn't anything like they have with the iPod. Market share is everything. Look at the Palm - say what you will about M$ but PDAs with their mobile OS were superior to Palm in so many ways it's insane, but noooooo, people just had to stay with the Palm, just like they'll stick to their Treo even when iPhone can cook breakfast for them.

    Here's an interesting article in NY Times about some of the potential pitfalls for the iPhone:

    Anyway, I agree, it's a win/win situation for consumers. At worst, iPhone itself will flop, at best, it will be a hit, but either way it will motivate the competition to beef up their technology. They might wanna start with the OS and the interface - Symbian OS looks like crap. Maybe M$ will Vista-fy theirs.

    wallpaper of quotation. Quotation Wallpapers
  • Quotation Wallpapers

  • untypoed
    Apr 2, 02:11 PM

    What icons/theme are you using? I'm not one to change my icons (nor do I have much experience outside Linux) but that picture just might've changed my mind.


    wallpaper of quotation. wallpaper quote. quote
  • wallpaper quote. quote

  • kavika411
    Apr 5, 06:16 PM
    If politicians who are legislators are blaming the way women dress as a causal factor in rape cases, then legal consequences are the primary thing we are talking about here. Certain politicians' conviction that "immodest" or "revealing" dress leads to rape could have all sorts of terrifying legal consequences for women.

    Back on the first page CaoCao attempted to deny that there was any connection between Muslim modesty and Christian modesty in dress. I think he actually demonstrated that they are fundamentally the same, differing only in minor degrees.

    Fair enough. I'd be interested in your thoughts on Post No. 50, if you have any.

    wallpaper of quotation. quotes on life wallpapers.
  • quotes on life wallpapers.

  • untypoed
    Apr 1, 02:12 PM

    wallpaper of quotation. love wallpapers with quotes
  • love wallpapers with quotes

  • syklee26
    Sep 26, 09:44 PM
    what da heck happened to .Mac exclusive widgets?

    these are things I want for .Mac (and I have been a user for 3 years).

    1. increase of storage to 2gb.

    2. price drop to somewhere close to $50.

    3. integration of Leopard Mail features (such as Notes and stuff)

    4. faster iDisk speed.

    5. integration of iCal on .mac

    maybe not all of them but at least some.

    Feb 12, 01:44 AM
    What is this place?

    This is Hong Kong.

    Judging from this picture, looks like a fancy restaurant in a hotel in the Tsim Tsa Tsui district.

    Oct 1, 03:35 PM

    Apr 25, 10:30 PM
    im still waiting for an app that tells me what kind of car im driving...derp

    Feb 15, 10:35 AM
    Apparently my family plan is too small to qualify. My wife and I combined are $160/month, but we're on the lowest voice plan for families. Gotta step up one more level before we qualify but we don't use our minutes as is.

    Pretty lame promo.

    Sep 11, 08:27 AM
    Been using this one for a while now.

    Cool pic, source please?

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