Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2011

funny kittens

funny kittens. Caturday!
  • Caturday!

  • Umbongo
    Apr 27, 03:47 PM
    E3 Xeons are basically for entry level workstations and servers. You will likely see their consumer versions in the new iMacs - Core i5/i7 2000 processors.

    funny kittens. funny kitten pictures. really
  • funny kitten pictures. really

  • RedReplicant
    Aug 5, 04:04 PM
    ps. The IPs belong to people that tried to brute force my server, so I could care less about hiding them.

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  • funny kittens. free download

  • AlwaysWhisper
    Mar 9, 03:31 PM
    I'm planning on going.

    Trying to get my hands on a White 32GB WIFI model.
    Not sure what color smart cover I want though.

    funny kittens. Cute and Funny Kittens
  • Cute and Funny Kittens

  • Phat_Pat
    Feb 12, 05:11 PM
    Nice going guys. :D


    funny kittens. RE: FUNNY PICS????? - Gallery
  • RE: FUNNY PICS????? - Gallery

  • vvebster
    Dec 24, 10:30 AM
    I'll get back to you guys in 12hrs, it's still 12am (dec24) in Montreal :(

    funny kittens. Funny Kittens
  • Funny Kittens

  • leetlamer
    Apr 4, 10:02 AM
    This is why carrier competition is important. The T-Mobile deal needs to be struck down by regulators.


    funny kittens. Funny kitties
  • Funny kitties

  • PhoneyDeveloper
    Apr 4, 10:39 AM

    funny kittens. This is a post about kittens
  • This is a post about kittens

  • Al Coholic
    Apr 25, 09:59 AM
    LOL! These white iphone threads are hilarious. Only mindless Apple drones would spend so much time debating the "color" of a product. :D


    funny kittens. Funny Kitten
  • Funny Kitten

  • RonYosafi
    Sep 2, 02:23 AM
    I like mine plain, this is my one. How do u guys make ur docks like that inside a black rectangle.

    funny kittens. Funny Cats Pictures amp; Funny
  • Funny Cats Pictures amp; Funny

  • neko girl
    Apr 4, 10:43 AM
    FT, do what you're meant to do - provide content. Let's keep my name out of transactions with you, thanks.

    Your business model is eroding.


    funny kittens. Live in funny kittens
  • Live in funny kittens

  • VolcanoGenesis
    Apr 7, 06:32 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    I had battery drain with 4.3.1 until I turned off Ping and restarted my phone. Since then, good battery life.

    Same here, very noticeable decrease in my iPhone 4's battery life after 4.3.1. After doing some research, I disabled Ping and everything is back to normal.

    funny kittens. funny-pictures-kittens-may-or-
  • funny-pictures-kittens-may-or-

  • applemacdude
    Oct 18, 06:34 PM

    Works Great...For Now....


    funny kittens. funny-pictures-kittens-are-
  • funny-pictures-kittens-are-

  • Neolithium
    Apr 8, 05:55 PM
    Nothing special this month.

    funny kittens. Funny pictures kitten toy
  • Funny pictures kitten toy

  • Ecodisk
    Dec 15, 07:17 PM
    Other then the standard on board sound.


    funny kittens. being funny the kittens
  • being funny the kittens

  • SandynJosh
    Mar 25, 01:15 PM
    I seriously had a dream last night that maps was updated to 3D and you could use the gyroscope etc to fly through optional routes before chosing which one to take ahha.

    Apple's been advertising a job opening just for YOU!

    funny kittens. Photobucket | funny kitten
  • Photobucket | funny kitten

  • lmalave
    Nov 21, 10:55 AM
    maybe i'm looking at this with a closed mind, but what else can they add to a phone that isn't out there already? i mean, e-mail, browser, talking, texting, IMing, music, camera, calendar, note pad, games, voice recording it's all already out there. i guess if you can sync your iTunes having video playback that'd be kind of new... but i have video on my razr it just holds like a 4 second video.

    iPod scrollwheel and interface, end of story. There are music playing phones out there, but their interfaces are all clunky compared to the iPod. I think the idea with the iPhone will be that when you are not using the phone features, you can use it just like the iPod. Which probably means that it will be a slider phone (like the LG Chocolate except with a real scrollwheel instead of a face one), but we'll see.


    funny kittens. Funny Kittens - 14 Pics
  • Funny Kittens - 14 Pics

  • tag
    Apr 7, 02:40 PM
    I know in 10.4 you can enable the machine as an xgrid client. Can you run the server portion in 10.4 or do you have to have the 10.4 server?

    According to this macosxhints article ( you can with a bit of tweaking and some free apple server app downloads.

    funny kittens. funny kitten pictures.
  • funny kitten pictures.

  • caspian
    Mar 23, 10:44 AM
    Wasn't it Jean-Marie Hullot who created Xcode and Interface Builder?

    A coworker tells me Bertrand wrote Interface Builder as part of his thesis before being hired at NeXT - imagine where Mac and iOS development would be today without him!

    funny kittens. Funny Pictures - Vcoders Photo
  • Funny Pictures - Vcoders Photo

  • ArchaicRevival
    Apr 27, 04:21 PM
    yawn. how many more stories about this stupid "location tracking".

    Until people like this guy actually get the point that Apple isn't tracking anyone.

    Why does it take a media storm for Apple to open up on an issue ? It would be so much better if they more forthcoming and frank befoe an issue snowballs.

    Apr 28, 12:27 PM
    What, did Apple think that Verizon customers would warmly welcome someone who shunned them for 4 years? The customer is most important, shouldn'thave signed that exclusive contract with AT&T... relly stunted their growth in the CDMA market, people move on too...

    If Apple had not signed that exclusive contract with AT&T, there would be no iPhone as we know it. Nor would there be Android as we know it. AT&T was the carrier willing to cede device control to Apple, which was a real game-changer. They required exclusivity to do it.

    Android fans should be thanking Apple for that partnership, because not only did it make their own OS possible, but it also gave their OS a growth opportunity while Apple was tied down with AT&T.

    le sacre
    Nov 2, 04:04 PM
    May seem like a silly question about the shuffle....but can the 2nd gen Shuffle play gapless if you set it off shuffle and load in a gapless album?

    apple says no, and i can confirm this on my new 2nd gen shuffle. there is a slight gap.

    Oct 10, 08:55 AM
    I havent posted mine here in a while.

    Apr 25, 10:14 AM
    Releasing this now is the dumbest thing Apple has ever done.

    Sep 1, 03:24 AM

    I do think I'm going to change it real soon, But this is art by Russell Dickerson which is based on a story called Scratch by Brian Keene(my favorite Author)

    I also hide my dock(kind of just started do this actually) I know its kind of a mess right now with the folders and such... But oh well :p

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