Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2011

amor en silencio

amor en silencio. SILENCIO

  • Mudbug
    Dec 16, 08:18 PM
    I'll try and remember to make one for you tomorrow - or do you have it already?

    amor en silencio. amor en silencio
  • amor en silencio

  • lucrosus
    Apr 18, 07:30 AM
    Hi everyone. I have the 2011 15" MBP and need help to get my printer working. First, let me tell you what I have so far.

    The MBP 15" 2011 has all the softwares updated. I installed Windows 7 via Boot Camp, then installed Parallels. So far so good. Next, I installed Quickbooks and Office both for Windows. BTW, it is Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.

    After setting up, I was glad to be able to use the MBP and run Quickbooks and Office programs side by side under Mac OS. Next, I tried to connect the old Epson LX-300 printer. This is where my problem started and remains unresolved.

    I still could not get the Epson printer to be installed properly on the Mac OS, so I downloaded the Epson printer driver v2.6, I think. It is a huge file at something like 800+ mb if I remember correctly. After installing this file, I finally managed to install the printer by following the instructions from an Epson support site. At this point, I have not test printed.

    Next, I ran Quickbooks under Mac OS, but when I wanted to print, I could not find the Epson LX-300.

    I really needed to print invoices, so I shutdown the computer, rebooted using Windows 7. Supposed to be, when I connect the printer, Windows should be able identify and install the necessary driver. Unfortunately, this did not work.

    What happens is that when I plug in the printer via USB, on the control panel of Windows 7, it will show USB printer. That's it. When I try to print, I cannot find the Epson printer... Even USB Printer is not available.

    HELP! I need to be able to print. I don't care if this is only possible by booting into Windows 7 OS... Which at this point, doesn't even work.

    If anyone could show me how to set this thing properly, at least make the printer work on Wndows 7, or better, make it work even if I am on Mac OS running Windows programs.


    amor en silencio. cartas de amor en silencio
  • cartas de amor en silencio

  • turtle777
    Jan 13, 12:20 AM
    The 2012 Passat is good news. It will make the 2009/2010/2011 Passat's resale value drop.

    Let the sheeple "upgrade" to the better, uhm, newer model.


    amor en silencio. lamento silencio amor
  • lamento silencio amor

  • HikariYuki
    Apr 22, 01:09 AM
    Mines for this month. ( for large view ( - Uploaded with Skitch (


    amor en silencio. amor en silencio
  • amor en silencio

  • rmwebs
    Apr 6, 04:04 PM
    Clearly the new DC wont be serving up iTunes content if they are using an external storage provider...making the article stupidly misleading to many folks.

    This must mean the DC will be primarily for MobileMe. Resulting in the continuation of crap iDisk performance for Apples largest audience: Anyone outside the US.

    amor en silencio. amor en silencio Image
  • amor en silencio Image

  • Waragainstsleep
    Feb 21, 04:08 AM
    Unless you are in the UK in which case its a large fee.


    amor en silencio. amor en silencio
  • amor en silencio

  • edesignuk
    Feb 14, 01:12 PM
    Just to let know everybody that i just sent my first complain about edesignuk as a moderator.
    I'm gonna have to go with the crowd here and ask why? I'm not aware that I've done anything other than move a couple of threads, and ban a few spammers :confused:

    Its fair to say that you and I don't really get along often, but I'm certainly not out to get anyone.

    amor en silencio. Amor en Silencio
  • Amor en Silencio

  • Kyffin
    Oct 1, 05:58 AM
    Attachment issues :o


    amor en silencio. amor en silencio (8) !
  • amor en silencio (8) !

  • Renfred93
    Feb 9, 11:28 AM

    amor en silencio. Viajen en Amor y Silencio al
  • Viajen en Amor y Silencio al

  • Buschmaster
    Oct 5, 05:04 PM
    This is my first post. It takes a lot for me to stop being a lurker, but the idea that any user can resize a textarea on a site I design, dynamically redrawing the page, is among the dumbest ideas I've ever heard. This will break valid page layouts in new and unheard of ways. Designers make form elements a size and shape for a reason.

    I look forward to finding a way using JavaScript to disable that feature the day that browser is released.
    I think it's a nice feature, it's not like it's going to destory how the page looks initially.


    amor en silencio. Amor,
  • Amor,

  • Corey Grandy
    Dec 26, 05:34 PM
    Occasionally my MacBook Pro gets a little uncomfortable and hot when I'm away from my desk, glad to have this now.
    Lots of awesome shirts, some plaids (not pictured), a great jacket and two shirts from DistrictLines as well.
    A bunch of games and whatnot. Guitar Hero II was something I actually never had and my mother came across it for $2 at Best Buy. Can't beat that deal.
    The coolest gift card ever.
    Parents had this poster mounted for me, all in all (poster and mounting) it was less than $20.
    And this is the grand finale. I had never wanted to drop the money on an iPad, but I always wanted to try one out. I absolutely love it. Hopefully the 3G won't cost too much ;)

    amor en silencio. Un Amor en Silencio
  • Un Amor en Silencio

  • Snowy_River
    Oct 31, 11:40 AM
    ... just write "gen." already (acronym for generation).

    Sorry about playing grammar police, but this one was just too egregious for me. "gen." is an abbreviation, not an acronym. Laser is an acronym: Laser=L.A.S.E.R.=Light Amplified by Stimulating Emissions of Radiation.

    I don't mind spending $80 on a paper clip which can hold and play 240 mp3's!

    Also, I can totally see girls using it as a hair clip - mp3 player! :D
    I am sure someone can photoshop an image for all of us.

    How about this one? :D


    amor en silencio. Amar En Silencio.mpg
  • Amar En Silencio.mpg

  • Lalror
    Apr 1, 10:27 PM
    Hey, wow, thats the dad of one of my friends! Its cool that he gave this presentation!

    amor en silencio. Amar en silencio es comprender
  • Amar en silencio es comprender

  • glocke12
    May 4, 05:16 PM
    Yep, that's what I think. He should have been interrogated, but not with "enhanced" methods.

    But don't you think there is a difference between your typical criminal/murderer, and someone like KSM who is a terrorist leader/organizer and has first hand knowledge of terrorist networks?

    Seriously, I somehow doubt that asking him nicely to tell us what he knows would have worked.


    amor en silencio. AMOR EN SILENCIO. Comments
  • AMOR EN SILENCIO. Comments

  • dduchene
    Dec 23, 01:48 AM
    I have found a fun site for those of us that like some of the old time radio programs. There is a bunch of stuff there in MP3 ctrl click lets you down load it On the left there is a link for all shows I found this to be a faster way to find what I wanted. Hope that some of you out there have fun with it

    amor en silencio. de amor del silencio.
  • de amor del silencio.

  • RedTomato
    Oct 2, 03:30 PM
    I sincerely hope so. I can't even login to my company's iNotes site from my Mac because Macs are not supported (only runs with IE 6.00+).

    slighly off-topic - have you tried Firefox on your Mac with User Agent Switcher?

    Linky (

    Now returning you to your regular "Notes - hot or not?" flame war.


    amor en silencio. amor en silencio
  • amor en silencio

  • inlimbo
    Mar 3, 03:36 AM

    I installed MouseZoom on my new PB to speed up the trackpad but now i don't like it. How do I uninstall it and go back to my original settings. Do u just drag the mousezoom icon in system prefs to the trash?

    Sorry im such a n00b :o

    amor en silencio. Amor en silencio
  • Amor en silencio

  • rich2000
    Oct 12, 10:40 AM
    It's certainly not as sleek as before but that's my first impression. Not quite as professional looking and the UI is almost 'overdone'.

    Might revert to Tweetie 1.

    Maps are nice though.

    That's it exactly, I've been trying to think what it is... and you're right the UI is actually overdone!

    amor en silencio. amor en silencio
  • amor en silencio

  • tigres
    Apr 7, 03:40 PM
    Hey, Apple!!!

    Can you PLEASE include separate email signatures for separate email boxes?!?!?


    Might want to check the signature app in the store. I've had it for over a year, you can choose up to 6 signatures. Use to be called signature pro, but my app says just Signature.


    May 1, 08:55 AM

    Of all the people to worry about the "me" factor. :p

    Not to mention location. Wasn't it the 'UK' that had a guy write plays, where one had this line in it...

    "What's in a name? That which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet."
    Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2) ( :rolleyes:

    Flying Llama
    Aug 19, 06:30 PM
    my first try it suckstoo much to come ne where near to winning but so what only 90 some to go anyways

    bah! what are you talking about??? it's fanstastic!

    Nov 20, 01:46 PM
    I want a device the size of an ipod that I can check my mail on, chat, and do some web-surfing for info, all without the ridiculous GUI deformities of windows mobile and treo, etc. and simple, easy to use hardware to back it up. I want to take it out of my pocket, see what I want, then put it away. Seamless integration with my macs as well.

    Maybe I'm in a nitch, but I don't see how this could lose. Make it simple, powerful, and seamless and people will ditch the baffling ordeal of their ipaq-esque phones in a heatbeat.

    I'm in the same boat. There are enough of us to sell a ton of those phones. Bring it on !

    Feb 18, 12:58 AM
    that is some really great imagery!

    Jun 20, 12:50 PM
    Too far for me :P I'm right near the KOP mall.

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