Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2011

filipino flag tattoos

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  • italian american flag tattoos.

  • macaddiict
    Oct 26, 08:17 PM
    Wow, a lot bigger turnout tonight than I would have expected. Wasn't nearly as chaotic as it looks...

    Anyone else's iPhone credit not work? One of mine did, the other one didn't! :confused:

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  • Filipino Tattoo Designs

  • Philalbe
    Mar 21, 09:05 PM
    Again to get the real hourly wage divide $25 by 3, that is the true hourly rate which is $8.30. Reasonable I think not.

    Generally the rule is the rule of 3 (this is how I quote, clients are happy and I don't undercut myself), times quotes by 3 and divide your hourly rate by this will give you the most accurate way of billing and ensuring you don't undercut yourself while the actual payment is never over the quoted amount (clients love this). It means it will allow you to reinvest in yourself with sick leave, holidays, new equipment and software.

    So for a site mock up I would have quoted $675, while the actual billable would have come in around $375-$450.

    Hi. Thanks yet again for all the advice. I've learned more about pricing from this thread the last 2 days, than I did all my years at school. If I can be a pig and ask for a little more advice. I'd like to show an example of what I've been doing for a client who owns a music studio/music school. They have me design cd packaging for their artists, that they then send to Oasis for print. The one on the right has already gone to print and the artist was very happy with the end result. The one on the left is near finished. I'm ashamed to say I charged the same low hourly figure for this work as well. What do you think this kind of work is worth; if I may ask? Thanks :)

    filipino flag tattoos. Philippine Flag Sticker Rose
  • Philippine Flag Sticker Rose

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Jan 13, 01:25 AM
    Think VW USA is missing the mark at what made VW a drivers car in the end.... this one looks cheap to me :(

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  • flag. Crazy killers in the

  • luci216
    May 2, 09:53 PM
    :] This really inspires me to try to donate blood. Hopefully this time I won't pass out due to a drop in blood pressure (&consequently throw out my incomplete donation)

    I do think, though, that homosexuals should not be banned from donating blood. Heterosexuals are at equal risk of having HIV.. it all depends on safe sex, not sexuality. :/


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  • vvebster
    Feb 2, 09:46 AM
    February Desktop

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  • american flag tattoos for

  • simsaladimbamba
    Mar 30, 06:05 PM
    Strangely MacRumors makes threads automatically when a news story is released:


    filipino flag tattoos. Philippine Flag Tattoos
  • Philippine Flag Tattoos

  • senseless
    Mar 2, 05:30 PM
    Social Security was originally designed to care for those who lived beyond average life expectancy, which was under 65 at the time. It's logical to raise the age to start taking benefits by a few years. Encouraging smoking and fast food is probably not the best choice.

    filipino flag tattoos. american flag tattoos.
  • american flag tattoos.

  • aricher
    Nov 1, 09:34 AM
    Could it work as a money clip?

    I'll be looking at these in person at the Chicago Apple Store this Saturday when Cut Chemist makes his in-store appearance. Can't wait!


    filipino flag tattoos. the Philippine flag.
  • the Philippine flag.

  • wolfenkraft
    Feb 15, 10:35 AM
    Apparently my family plan is too small to qualify. My wife and I combined are $160/month, but we're on the lowest voice plan for families. Gotta step up one more level before we qualify but we don't use our minutes as is.

    Pretty lame promo.

    filipino flag tattoos. to you the Philippine Flag
  • to you the Philippine Flag

  • Nameci
    Apr 16, 05:26 AM
    yes, i am running it both in my dual processor 1.42 G4 and Powerbook...


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  • american flag tattoos pictures

  • AppleFanatic10
    Apr 7, 11:46 AM
    I hope they release one for the Verizon iPhone...

    filipino flag tattoos. Flag
  • Flag

  • IgnatiusTheKing
    Aug 3, 03:03 PM
    I JUST found that thread and have been crying for 15 minutes straight :D:D:eek::D

    That wallpaper is so good we might as well close this thread now and wait for September. There's no way it will get topped this month.


    filipino flag tattoos. filipino flag symbols
  • filipino flag symbols

  • JGowan
    Jul 27, 04:49 PM
    Can't wait for the Ramadan Rush Sales!

    Lighten up PC police.Bite me. People need to have more tolerance to other religions. Period. Christianity is not the only religion on the planet, though some seem to think it should be.

    filipino flag tattoos. eagle with Philippine flag
  • eagle with Philippine flag

  • liketom
    Dec 19, 05:12 AM
    here's my first :)


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  • texas flag tattoo and Puerto

  • Trialser
    Nov 24, 12:39 PM
    Does anyone know the legal music rights for selling videos? I have heard that if you make less than 500 copies, then you dont need to get rights to the music you use. Is that true? I will probably only make 2-300, selling them for maybe $5. I didnt use mainstream bands, but not local ones either. Any info would be appreciated.

    filipino flag tattoos. have some scuba tattoos.
  • have some scuba tattoos.

  • jsw
    Sep 24, 06:43 PM
    All this stuff about "living under mum and dad's roof" is all well and good but it's not gonna work.
    I disagree. Live under their roof, live by their rules or at least go through the hassle of trying to get away with breaking them.

    If you're old enough to deal with the possible consequences of sex, you're old enough to find a place on your own. If you're not old enough to do that, be sure one of you is sterile before proceeding. I say this a week after my 17 year old cousin gave birth after both being on the pill and using a condom. It happens. If you can deal with that possibility, you're old enough to move out.

    Sure, it's easy to be almost certain that nothing will happen. Tell that to my cousin.


    filipino flag tattoos. american flag tattoos
  • american flag tattoos

  • pmz
    Apr 13, 10:46 AM
    I'm very happy that Apple has finally muzzled their suppliers.

    These "sources" should not be revealing parts, and dates, and production info. Given the identical circumstances that occurred prior to the iPad 2 launch, I'd say it's quite obvious that Apple has finally reigned in the leaks.

    It was getting very embarrassing that super-secret Apple with their Gestapo tactics, was unabe to keep 95% of the details of new products a secret, because some shmuck in some factory has Internet access.

    filipino flag tattoos. Filipino Philippine Flag
  • Filipino Philippine Flag

  • Amazing Iceman
    Nov 19, 01:06 PM
    Three possibilities:

    a) Stolen stock.

    b) Purchased directly from a "contact" in China.

    c) Purchased using surplus advertising budget, so even if they loose money selling them it wouldn't be a loss. This could be the reason why there's limited stock, only a few units available at a time for each store.

    I may get one for my wife anyways. She wouldn't need more than 16GB for sure.

    filipino flag tattoos. his philippine flag tattoo
  • his philippine flag tattoo

  • Jolly Jimmy
    Aug 12, 10:56 AM
    This one has a few.

    Sep 30, 11:12 AM
    While I am not a big fan of Lotus Notes, It normally causes more problems then it solves. But a lot of companies use it and some swayer by it, I swayer at it. But giving companies with Lotus notes a choice in alternate platforms to move to, is a good thing. Worst case senerio is that a company who still wants to stay on windows, can go to microsoft/dell... and say well Apple can give me this what can you do better?

    Dec 3, 10:39 AM
    No offense like Schneiderman said, but that could give some people nightmares

    Don't worry. Original model was over 18. First picture is total clone of her. Second is modified (morphed), so it is not her anymore but my own.

    Mar 25, 03:09 PM
    Is he the reason OS X has such bad opengl support?
    I guess OSX just wasn't meant for gaming/serious 3D graphics work.

    It's amazing that Core Audio/Core Midi is better than anything on Windows. But they can't do a great graphics API like Direct X or better Open GL implementation.

    Apr 7, 12:10 PM
    Also, how the hell are you supposed to play the Swordquest games without the manual and comic books?

    It is nice to see Waterworld though as the contest for it never happened and the cartridge was printed in very limited supplies.

    Looks like the manuals come with. check out the video embedded in the story.


    Feb 14, 09:23 PM
    wow that is tempting! i'm tellin ya, if you can afford it, gotta get that EVGA SR-2!

    Don't you need the equivalent Xeon processors for the SR2?

    Yeah that would go so beautifully in my Lian Li case :cool: I'd spend $200 if I can fine one for that price.

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